Greater than the Beatles?
I heard a recording of Bono when he was 19 say "God allowed The Beatles to get so big so that U2 could become bigger." That is quite an ambitious statement for someone representing a band who, at the time, only had released 1 album. But was Bono prophetic in his statement? I think this will be something that will be contended, with good reason, for years to come. Each side will have good arguments. The Beatles had great songs and inspired a generation of guitar players and songwriters. U2 has had longevity as a band that has yet to be rivaled. Many may say "what about The Rolling Stones?" Yes, The Rolling Stones are still around (on life support) but there have been gaps in there career when they were irrelevant or nowhere to be found. Last week I saw U2 for the 6th time. Even though our seats were crappy the show did not disappoint. From the music to the lighting to the video support, it was truly mind blowing. To me it confirmed the side of the argument I am on. U2 will be remembered as the greatest rock band ever. I would love to hear your reasons as to where I am wrong in my assessment. The era of “great bands” is over. Except for possibly Coldplay. U2 is the last band, with the exception of the Spice Girls, that you will know the names of each member. The last band to have an “icon” for a singer. The last band who will tour the United States twice in one year, play over 80 shows to 35,000+ people and sell out every show. Of course I am biased. I admit it. I love this band. I think it is ironic, and prophetic that the devil gets all (most) of the schlock but the last, and greatest is a band of Christians who, to me, get bolder about their faith with each album and each show. I know it sounds weird when I say it, but I am thankful that I could live in the same era as U2, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Van Morrison. This is all great art by great artists that will be around for my grandchildren’s children. It’s good to pop my head back into the blogosphere again. Have a Merry Christmas. Talk to ya soon!!